Über Moms Book Club April 2021

Über Moms Book Club April 2021

A year of book club! This month, the stalwarts of the group met to discuss Bill Gates’s latest book, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster. We were also lucky enough to have our very own Environmental Policy expert on hand to guide us through the topics and add her own insight to the subject. Thank you, Theresa!

Über Moms Book Club February 2021

Über Moms Book Club February 2021

As I sit down to start writing this, it is snowing outside, the air temperature is -11℃, and the idea of going back to bed and curling up with a good book is a very tempting one... But which book? In honesty, I have three on the go, and I am not flying through any of them, but each is interesting enough that I keep returning to it. But they will wait till later. Now, to bring you all up to date with the Book Club. We met on Thursday, 11th February, and I think it was enjoyed by all. We have also selected our next book club read.

Über Moms Book Club January 2021

Über Moms Book Club January 2021

This month, Über Moms is concentrating on priorities. I would always encourage you, if you don’t already, to prioritise a little of your hard-won “you” time for reading or listening to books. And obviously, as the chair of the Book Club, I would encourage you to help select, read, and join us to discuss our Book Club choice.

Über Moms Book Club December 2020

Über Moms Book Club December 2020

This month’s Über Moms’ theme is practicing gratitude. As I sit down to write my already late article, I realise how much gratitude I feel towards the Book Club and books in general. Gratitude for the access to books I have, for having the time or being able to make the time to read and enjoy so many, and for being able to share this pleasure with others.

Über Moms Book Club November 2020

Über Moms Book Club November 2020

We are in our second lockdown, and, like all good sequels, it is not a carbon copy of the original. But, like all bad sequels, something feels different, in a hmmm, I’m not sure about this kind of way. Or maybe it’s just me? The not-knowing, the uncertainty, remains, but there is a weariness setting in. Lots of people more qualified, and more eloquent, than I, have written about it, so I will not go on analysing it.

Über Moms Book Club June 2020

Über Moms Book Club June 2020

Sometimes how to start an article is the hardest part: how to tie all the things that need to be said into some kind of coherent, readable article. I have started this article at least ten times, in long hand, yes, even in fountain pen (that’s how old I am!), but as I have given up on all those attempts I am typing, conscious of the deadline but also that I am still not sure how this article is going to finish.