By Kathy Bryan
This month, we met to discuss No Place to Call Home. The discussion was led by one of the members of Book Club. We were all really grateful for the time and work she had put into preparing questions and discussion topics.
The general consensus was that we had all enjoyed the book, and whilst the topic in itself was not an easy one, we found the writing style very readable. We unanimously agreed that we would recommend it to others to read.
Our discussion centred around the different characters. We found that not only had our perception (and sometimes acceptance) of the characters changed during our reading, but also as we discussed them together.
We were interested in the parallels that could be drawn between the different generations in the book. Was history repeating itself? Was there hope to be taken from it? How quickly is it possible to change or break the cycle?
A number of us were also drawn to making comparisons between this and The Beekeeper of Aleppo, and the portrayal of the experiences of refugees and the systems they find themselves in.
Have you read either of these books? What were your feelings? Please do let me know or join us for a future Book Club.
April Book Club
Next month we will be discussing the new Bill Gates’ book, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster. You may well have already heard a lot of discussion about it in the press and in other mediums. This read is an Über Moms Pause for a Cause read and is open to non-members.
This Pause is environmental protection. If you would like to invite any friends or family, please do so via Teamup.
Future Book Clubs
Mother’s Day is this May—not to be confused with Mothering Sunday in the UK, which is in March this year!. We would like to extend an invitation to all our members’ mums to join us for our May Book Club. The genre will be historical fiction, and we are already in the process of drawing up a shortlist of books to choose from. We hope to announce the book a little earlier than usual to allow plenty of time for people to purchase and read the book. Watch this space!
Kathy Bryan
Kathy Bryan is a stay at home mum with 15 years experience of raising three independent, loving, fun-filled, maddening children. Prior to moving to a village south of Munich, she lived with her family in the middle of England. Being a firm believer that being a stay at home mum does not mean you have to forget who you are, she was always busy in the village, both as a Governor at the school and helping organise village fetes amongst other things. Since arriving in Germany and getting settled here Kathy joined Über Moms and is an active member of the Runners Group and recently started Über Moms very own book club. When not chasing children to do homework or running the highways and byways around her village Kathy can be found sewing patchwork and working out ways to hide “another quilt” in the house.