March 2021

Managing Parental Stress During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Managing Parental Stress During the Covid-19 Pandemic

In a pandemic, fears are normal. Being stressed is now our baseline; we’ve learned to live with it.

But when the stress becomes chronic, it’s important to act before parental burnout can strike. Über Mom Jennelle Liljestrand has put together an amazing resource on how to fight burnout by focusing on your relationship and engaging in important self-care practices such as mindfulness.

What About that Warm-up? Do I Really Have to?

What About that Warm-up? Do I Really Have to?

Do you think the pre-run warm-up is a bit of a time-waster, and running slow for the first kilometer is as far as you’ll ever go? I sometimes feel like that, too, but I also feel like maybe I should, especially for the sake of preventing injury. I did some research into this and the outcome may surprise you!