Just Ask Tante Pia

Racing responsibly: Leave Only Virtual Footprints; Lower Your Carbon One

Racing responsibly: Leave Only Virtual Footprints; Lower Your Carbon One

It´s been a while and I’m sure we are sure all dreaming of the return to races. The bibs, the preparation, the pre-race nerves: oh, how wonderful! But what one might also remember is the less than wonderful littering along the course. Plastic bottles, paper cups, race food wrappers, and random things left by spectators. It is not a pretty sight. How can one make running races more environmentally friendly?

What About that Warm-up? Do I Really Have to?

What About that Warm-up? Do I Really Have to?

Do you think the pre-run warm-up is a bit of a time-waster, and running slow for the first kilometer is as far as you’ll ever go? I sometimes feel like that, too, but I also feel like maybe I should, especially for the sake of preventing injury. I did some research into this and the outcome may surprise you!

Athletic Performance and Menopause – Will the Change Bring Change?

Athletic Performance and Menopause – Will the Change Bring Change?

Are we heading for disaster as menopause hits? Are we to expect, in addition to hot flashes, mood swings, and the end of fertility, a sudden drop in athletic performance? Or is it contraindicated? Thankfully, no and no.

Base Phase Training – Is it for me?

Base Phase Training – Is it for me?

Base phase training (BPT) is a type of training that precedes the speed and competition phases for elite runners and endurance athletes. Its aim is to build endurance and strength as a solid foundation for more spirited endeavors later in the running year. And yes, it can benefit you, too, and winter is a great time for it!

Winter Winning: Cold Weather Running Gear, Part II

 Winter Winning: Cold Weather Running Gear, Part II

Last month, Tante Pia received fan mail asking the burning question of this season: How do I stay warm during cold weather running? In the second part of her answer, Tante Pia teams up with Über Moms President, Jordan Sapir, to get all you mom runners prepared for the running season ahead.

Winter Winning: Cold Weather Running Gear, Part I

 Winter Winning: Cold Weather Running Gear, Part I

Last month, Tante Pia received fan mail asking the burning question of this season: How do I stay warm during cold weather running? This month, Tante Pia teams up with Über Moms President, Jordan Sapir, to get all you mom runners prepared for the running season ahead.

Germans say there is no bad weather, just the wrong clothing. So dig out your Turkey Trot Tee, circa 1998 (read further to find out why you shouldn’t do this), and prepare to win this winter, running!