April 2021

Take Out the Papers and the Trash, or You Don't Get No Spendung Cash: A Note from the Editor

Take Out the Papers and the Trash, or You Don't Get No Spendung Cash: A Note from the Editor

“Look, Mommy, there’s another mask, and another one! Look how many masks there are on the ground! Why don’t people throw their masks in the garbage?” My six-year-old mutters as we walk towards the river for our daily exploration time. I gave the kids an assignment to count all the masks they see littering our way to the river. A task that they have taken quite seriously. They are concerned and (unsurprisingly competitively) excited to see who can count the most masks.

Racing responsibly: Leave Only Virtual Footprints; Lower Your Carbon One

Racing responsibly: Leave Only Virtual Footprints; Lower Your Carbon One

It´s been a while and I’m sure we are sure all dreaming of the return to races. The bibs, the preparation, the pre-race nerves: oh, how wonderful! But what one might also remember is the less than wonderful littering along the course. Plastic bottles, paper cups, race food wrappers, and random things left by spectators. It is not a pretty sight. How can one make running races more environmentally friendly?

Über Moms Book Club April 2021

Über Moms Book Club April 2021

A year of book club! This month, the stalwarts of the group met to discuss Bill Gates’s latest book, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster. We were also lucky enough to have our very own Environmental Policy expert on hand to guide us through the topics and add her own insight to the subject. Thank you, Theresa!

A Beginner's Guide to Making the Switch to Natural and Organic Products

A Beginner's Guide to Making the Switch to Natural and Organic Products

The use of natural and organic products is a hot topic these days.

As people become more and more aware of what they’re putting into their bodies, they’re also becoming aware of what they’re putting ON their bodies. What you put ON your body gets absorbed INTO your body. So it makes sense to be mindful of the skincare and makeup products you’re using on your body and face, as well as household products that you use that come in contact with your skin.