JULY 2020

Fahre Augusto: A Note from the Editor

Fahre Augusto: A Note from the Editor

Each year I’ve lived in Germany, the month of August has been met with the boisterous cheers of school children and delighted neighbors preparing to head for the sea. The airports were packed with German tourists ready to embark on sandy beaches and foreign languages, while in the meantime, we’d head over the Atlantic to visit home.

A Monthly Wellness Column: Let the Sun Shine

A Monthly Wellness Column: Let the Sun Shine

The Earth is the precious, bountiful, abundant, and breathtakingly beautiful place that we call home. It supports us, feeds us, clothes us, provides shelter, and evokes a sense of joy and wonder in our hearts. And yet the human race tends to take for granted all we’ve been given, and the symbiotic relationship we have with the Earth in order to sustain our very existence.