A Monthly Wellness Column: Let the Sun Shine

A Monthly Wellness Column: Let the Sun Shine

The Earth is the precious, bountiful, abundant, and breathtakingly beautiful place that we call home. It supports us, feeds us, clothes us, provides shelter, and evokes a sense of joy and wonder in our hearts. And yet the human race tends to take for granted all we’ve been given, and the symbiotic relationship we have with the Earth in order to sustain our very existence.

A Monthly Wellness Column: Let the Sun Shine

A Monthly Wellness Column: Let the Sun Shine

As our theme this month is “Living the Displaced Life,” it seems appropriate to speak about our time during this global pandemic. As expats, our lives are already displaced due to living apart from our family of origins, our circle of friends, and our countries. Presently, our lives have become even more displaced due to the extreme measures we’ve found ourselves under during the past several months.