By Julie Leonard
Even though I’m extremely busy, and even though I sometimes feel guilty that I should be doing something else, I have learned in the thirty years that I have supported women that self-care isn’t selfish. It’s essential. Self-care nourishes my mind, body, and spirit. And self-care makes me not only more productive, it makes me a better mama, partner, friend, colleague, and neighbour. Self-care reduces my stress levels, reduces worry and anxiety, calms my mind, improves my mood; I’m less irritated, less short-tempered, and much more fun!
The key is that I have a very clear concept of self-care and its importance on my health and relationships. If you don’t have a concrete idea of what self-care is, then you are less likely to commit to and succeed at regular self-care.
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Many of the women I coach don’t have this strong idea of self-care for many reasons:
They don’t get how important it is in their lives
They often think of self-care as doing nothing (and therefore not a productive use of time)
They feel guilty that they should be doing something else instead (such as housework, work, shopping and just about anything else)
They don’t feel they are worth it
They think it is a waste of money
Or a luxury
They don’t have time
They put everyone else’s needs first
Do any of these resonate with you? In general, women are nurturers and often put others first. However, taking care of yourself and recharging your batteries will make you more effective and productive in your own life.
I’d love to share some exercises to support you to build self-care into your life.
Write down all the positive benefits to you and those around you if you were to prioritise your self-care. Take time to reflect upon just how much of a difference it would make to you, and the impact regular self-care would have on your health and well-being, as well as on those around you.
Write down the self-care rituals, hobbies, and appointments that you personally enjoy and make you feel great! What do you love, what did you used to do, what would you like to do? Now is the time to write that wish list of self-care.
Create your own personal self-care plan that works for you. Everyone is different, and we all have different needs, so work out what is best for you and your lifestyle.
Find a Moment for Me Time. This is just ten to fifteen minutes a day to enjoy a tea or coffee, drink that extra glass of water, read an inspirational article, do some stretches, light a candle, burn your essential oils, or go for a walk. Begin to think of yourself each day and do something nice for you. You are worth it.
Create healthy rituals. Go to bed at the same time each night, create a nighttime routine, take a bath, schedule a massage, go to a weekly exercise class. These will soon become habits and daily routines.
Be present. When we are tired and stressed, it is easy to slip into mind-numbing activities. Scrolling mindlessly on Facebook and losing time, watching TV all evening, eating chocolate, or having a glass of wine are the more unhealthy tools we use to disengage and numb our feelings. (I’m not saying don’t enjoy your Netflix series, or some nice chocolate, or a glass of wine, but enjoy them mindfully and not as a crutch when you are overtired and overwhelmed.)
Unplug. Technology now means we are always connected, and often expected to respond immediately to messages and emails. There is often a fear of missing out if we are not constantly checking our phones. Become more conscious of unplugging each day. Is the first thing you do each day to switch on your phone? Is it the last thing you look at at night? I switch my phone off by 9pm to focus time on me and my partner. Become more conscious of not always checking your phone. Even remove apps or sound alerts so that you are not tempted to respond to that ding.
Make the time for self-care. Put it in your diary. I have to do this with exercise. It was something that I found hard to remember to do in my day. I was so busy and focused on work and my child that I would reach the end of the day only to realise yet again that I hadn’t done my exercises. So I put it in my calendar, like an appointment. And stuck to it. I prioritised it and fit other things around it. It’s perfectly okay to put journaling, going for a walk, yoga, or whatever you need in your calendar each day.
Create a positive affirmation about self-care. Say it every day to remind yourself that you are important, you need it and you are worth it!
And finally, build some laughter into your day. It’s an excellent stress-buster. Watch a YouTube video, listen to your favourite comedian, tell a joke, listen to your kids’ stories, or reminisce about funny stories from your past.
Spring is the perfect time to begin to build self love in to your daily life.
Julie Leonard
Julie Leonard is a Life Coach, aromatherapist, seminar facilitator and speaker with over 25 years of experience in psychology, health and coaching. She is from Scotland and is currently based in Munich. Her passion is happiness and supporting women all over the world to transform themselves and their lives in order to live to their full potential and happiness. Check out her business here and remember that Über Moms benefit from a 10% discount on Life Coaching sessions.