By Jordan Sapir
The topic of this month at Über Moms is Cold Weather Winning. In our current global climate, it's easy to remember all the things I’m missing and dwell on how horrible it is that everything is out of whack. By the time September rolled around, I found myself muttering about the German fall foliage appearing without warning, how the Föhn is making my head spin, and why I live in a city that prides itself on beer, despite there being no seasonal cider, stout or ale.
This year, Über Moms hosted a flower-crown-making workshop in lieu of our annual trip to the Wiesn. It was successful. Adorned in our Dirndls and plaits, choosing flowers to coordinate with our Hygge, we managed to capture the sentimental value of Oktoberfest— ohne communal glasses and porta-potties. As I watched my youngest diligently craft her Auburn, Merigold, and Orioles Orange (her description, not mine) Autumn flower crown, I realized that we were winning. Nothing is missing. It may be far-reaching, but in the eye of the storm, we have become surprisingly optimistic.
As we constructed our crowns, socially-distanced in face masks, in place of self-pity and sarcasm (who am I kidding?), I felt quite proud. There we were, hopeful and content. We made a potentially frustrating situation into something positive.
Let's face it: for every mom, winning is different and interchangeable depending on the day. Some days taking a shower or wearing pants without an elastic waistband makes me feel like I’m killing it at this mom game. Other days, I’m disappointed that my failed positive parenting attempts resemble more that of a mother harp seal.
Cold weather winning, for me, is about preparation. I plan to persevere through the often harsh German winters by being comfortable with new measures of winning. Rather than setting myself up for disappointment, I’m planning for preparedness. I’ll win by saying no to the things, people, and obligations that don’t make me happy. I’ll win by helping other mothers focus on their mental and physical health. Enjoying cuddles and books with my children will make restrictions ancillary.
I have to admit, I am on edge to see what 2021 has in store. However, I’m preparing to find the most positive outlook I can. I urge you Über Moms to strive to win the same this winter.
If you’re a new mom, a mom who just arrived in Munich, or just in need of some winter winning tips, tune in for our resource guide to Cold Weather Winning. Keep an eye on our new website at the end of the month.
Jordan Sapir
Jordan Sapir, mother of two glitter-laden girls, 3 and 6, studied Journalism and International Political Science in NYC, a place she once called home. She can slaughter five languages fluently. She has worked in a newsroom or two, walked a catwalk or three, and is all for an impromptu adventure. Having traded in her Prada for pretzels, the founder of Über Moms lives in Munich, where she is a stay at home mom and studying to become a certified nutritionist. She is a mommy on a mission and wants to help fellow mothers raise healthy happy families, and beat a PR here and there.