A Note from Our Vice President, Elizabeth Davis

by Elizabeth Davis

On February 8 last year, Über Moms launched our brand-new membership program, and what a year it has been! We are so excited to be on this health and fitness journey with you. We have done so much this year: fun workouts, meaningful workshops, family fun, bonding group runs – what a great community we are building together!


We’ve learned so much this past year about what Über Moms is and what it means to be part of this community of women all working together on their health and fitness goals.

So what is Über Moms? 

Let’s start with Über Moms isn’t


Über Moms isn’t your gym. Already have a gym membership? Keep it. We love to try new things together and laugh and sweat in our monthly workouts and runs, but Über Moms is not trying to replace your gym or meet all of your weekly fitness goals. What we do want is to offer fun fitness opportunities like zumba, barre, and yoga shred with a group of women you can laugh with.

Über Moms isn’t a group of elite athletes. Yep, we’ve got a few, but Über Moms is for every mom who wants to make her health and fitness a priority. We have moms who are total beginners at incorporating fitness in their lives, and we have Iron Man moms. Über Moms is about helping you make and commit to healthy choices, whatever stage you are at.


Über Moms isn’t your continuing ed. We love learning about health and fitness together, and Über Moms loves sharing news and offering wellness workshops for our members, but we are not trying to be a data dump or your teachers. We are bringing you the resources you need to empower you in your health and fitness goals in a space where we can learn from each other and encourage each other to make powerful changes. This year we talked nutrition, stress, postpartum depression and sex. Have a topic you think would benefit our group? Let us know!

So what is Über Moms? Über Moms is a community.


We are a group of moms who care about our health and wellness, and we know it’s damn hard to do it alone. It’s damn hard to make healthy choices when you’re balancing work demands, family needs, and social commitments, especially when you’re far from family and your core support network and maybe don’t speak the language. Über Moms is here to hold you high.


Über Moms is your local family of moms who are in it with you – helping you, encouraging you, and cheering you on day by day, choice by choice, as you build a healthy lifestyle for yourself and your family in the midst of all the chaos life throws at us.

What is Über Moms? Über Moms is all of us together, choosing to be strong together. Life is tough. Moms are tougher.

Welcome to Year Two, Über Mom. Get ready. We have a lot more planned for you!