Nicky running through Munich.
Name: Nicky
Nationality: British
Profession: Former Primary School Teacher, now run my own Usborne Books business.
Kids: Two fearless boys.
Current city of residence: Deisenhofen, Munich
Place of origin: Devon, UK
Places I’ve travelled: Quite a lot, but need to see more!
Sports: Running, hiking, skiing, biking, bootcamp, skating.
Focus: Staying fit and active.
Favorite discipline: Biking and long, slow adventure runs.
Recent races: Salzburg Half Marathon, Tegernsee Half Marathon.
Hardest part of being a Momlete: Juggling the time and justifying doing the stuff where none of the family join me!
P.R.: Half Marathon: 2:37; 10k: 1:07.
Favorite city to run: Having only ever done a city run in Munich and Salzburg, I would choose Salzburg.
Favorite quote: Just do it.
Most surprising thing people don’t know about you: I have always been outdoorsy, but never “sporty”. I can’t catch a ball and I used to hate running! The word “enthusiastic” was always applied to me…. I am good at horse riding and love to gallop across a beach!