Kathy training through the streets of Munich.
Name: Kathy
Nationality: British
Profession: Pre-children Human Resource Advisor with MA in Personnel and Development. Undergraduate degree History and International Politics. Post Children – Other than mummy and all the hats that requires I was Chair of the Board of Governors for a Primary School.
Kids: Three school-aged children: 2 boys and one girl.
Current city of residence: Otterfing, Munich
Place of Origin: Born in Berkshire England, grew up Suffolk, England.
Places I’ve traveled: Quite a few places but there are still far more places that I want to see!
Sports: Running. (Rugby prior to children and horse riding prior to our move to Germany)
Focus: Running and cycling.
Favorite Disciple: Please don’t make me choose.
Training for: Salzburg Half Marathon. Although I hope there will be other runs too.
Hardest part of being a Momlete: Balance between exercise and being mummy. But I do have my very own cheerleading squad when I run and the older they get the more involved they are becoming in my training. Although training can also give me valuable time away.
P.R.: I only took up running after having our third child and I am still looking to improve on my times. Half Marathon: 2:06:00, 10k: Sub 60 minutes, 5k: Sub 27 minutes.
Favorite city to run: So far my favorite is Leicester, UK, but there are plenty that I would like to run in.
Favourite quote: “This is not my stick.”
Über Mom nickname: Kathy “Mama Duck”.