Jordan running with her oldest daughter in Greece.
Name: Jordan
Nationality: American (Self-proclaimed citizen of the world).
Profession: Founder of Über Moms, Former Model, On-Air Talent, Producer, Director, Art Director with a B.A. in International Political Science and Journalism, currently studying to become a certified Nutritionist and Coach.
Kids: Two glitter-laden energetic girls.
Current city of residence: Munich
Place of origin: Born in Michigan, raised in NYC.
Places I’ve traveled: Too long to list. Yes I realize that sounds pretentious.
Sports: Snowboarding, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, MMA, Ving Tsun, Kung Fu, Krav Maga, Yoga, Pilates, Swimming, Cycling and Running., Triathlon.
Focus: Triathlon.
Favorite Disciple: Cycling.
Training for: Tegernsee Half Marathon, TOUR Transalp, CHALLENGE KAISERWINKL-WALCHSEE, Munich Marathon, Road to Ironman.
Hardest part of being a Momlete: I have Diastasis Recti and a Herniated Umbilical; no one ever tells you before giving birth what will happen to your body or the importance of postpartum care. Women’s health is so stigmatised in this male dominated society, that women’s health issues are often ignored. My goal is to share my experience as an athlete after birthing children and how I regained strength.
P.R.: I decided after having kids that I would base my P.R.’s on Postnatal races: Half Marathon: 2:00:00, 10k: Sub 55 minutes, 5k: Sub 25 minutes. 70,3: 6:00:00.
Favorite city to run: Tel Aviv.
Favorite quote: “There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself.” Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings.
Most surprising thing people don’t know about you: I can drop kick a 100 kilo man, restrain him and possibly severely injure him; I can also whip up a pretty mean soufflé. I did my study abroad in Nanjing, China, meditate, fast and practice Chinese calligraphy so that I don’t forget.
Über Mom nickname: Jordan “The Mexican Bean”.